Orajel Naturals Teething Gel
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Product Description
Ozonol Non-Stinging Ointment is useful for scrapes, minor burns and skin irritations, insect bites, chafing, chapping.
Soothes and protects
Brings almost immediate relief
Will not sting
Directions: For adults and children 2 years of age and older. Clean affected area. Apply Ozonol to affected area not more than 3 to 4 times daily. Children under 2 years of age: consult a doctor.
Active Ingredients: Phenol 0.18%, Zinc Oxide 3.72%
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Aluminum potassium sulfate, camphor oil, ichthammol, lanolin, mineral oil, origanum oil, petrolatum yellow, sodium bicarbonate, thymol iodide, yellow beeswax